The NIKI scheme (in Dutch: Nationale Investeringsregeling Klimaatprojecten Industrie), is a new grant scheme in the Netherlands that will provide financial support for sustainable investments by Dutch industrial companies. It is currently being developed, and will likely start later in 2024.


The NIKI scheme targets:

  1. The reduction of CO₂ in energy-intensive industrial sectors
  2. To accelerate the upscaling of technologies from the demonstration phase to commercial scale by supporting first-movers
  3. It offers financial support for investments in various areas, including the electrification of processes (such as electric cracking), green chemistry (including green fertilisers), and the green manufacturing of plastics and steel.



Industrial companies are required to make significant investments to transition to sustainable energy and reduce CO₂ emissions. However, current grant schemes in the Netherlands have limitations in terms of the technologies that can be invested in. The NIKI scheme, which is currently being developed, will provide a crucial supplement for Dutch industrial firms that are planning investments in innovative and sustainable technologies. It is referred to as the Dutch national version of the EU’s Innovation Fund.



The NIKI scheme has not yet been published, so there are still many details that are unknown or uncertain. However, current plans suggest the following:

  • The budget is expected to be around 250 million euros for the starting year in 2024.
  • The scheme will focus on supporting large investments and complex breakthrough technologies in the coming years.
  • Support rates and grant amounts may be calculated similarly to the SDE++ scheme, based on the expected CO₂ reduction from the investment and its cost efficiency.
  • A draft of the scheme is expected to be published in Q1 of 2024, and the application round is tentatively scheduled to start in mid-2024, subject to change.


How we can help you

Would you like to learn more about the NIKI scheme and how your project could benefit from it? Our specialists can provide you with information, guidance, and support throughout your grant application process. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


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