The ERDF, also known as the European regional development fund, supports projects that promote innovation and a low-carbon economy. However, this definition is interpreted differently in each of the four Dutch ERDF regions. In response to the covid-19 crisis, the European react-EU recovery package provides additional funding for existing ERDF funds to assist member states in their recovery efforts. If you're interested in applying for an ERDF grant for your project, PNO chemistry can help you determine your eligibility and provide support with your application. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.


During 2021-2027, the ERDF will facilitate investments:

  • to enhance the competitiveness and intelligence of Europe and its regions through innovations and by providing support to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving digitization and digital connectivity.
  • to make Europe greener, more low-carbon, and resilient
  • and to make Europe more social and closer to citizens, supporting locally-led development and sustainable urban development across the EU.


The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), known as Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) in Dutch, seeks to promote economic, social, and territorial cohesion in the EU by addressing disparities among its regions. It aims to create a more competitive and intelligent Europe (Policy Objective 1) and support a greener, low-carbon transition towards a resilient net-zero carbon economy (Policy Objective 2), with funding allocated based on the prosperity of the regions and Member States.


In the Netherlands, there are four ERDF regions – West, East, North and South – that have the flexibility to utilize this European budget as they deem appropriate. Generally, the “country parts policy” is aligned with the regional development of the Dutch top sector policy.

Organizations such as companies, knowledge institutes, and governments can apply for an ERDF grant for their projects, preferably through regional partnerships. These projects must align with the ERDF region’s focus areas and overarching themes. While cooperation is not mandatory, it can certainly increase the chances of approval for the grant application. More than ever, the grant provider aims to see SMEs participate in such projects. Two grant rounds are expected to be held per year for each region.

How we can help you? 

PNO Chemistry’s consultants can provide you with information on the details of ERDF. With their extensive networks in all four ERDF regions, they can offer you the relevant (regional) information and assist you with your application. Don’t hesitate to contact them.

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